Theme: “Asian Youth, Champion for Building a New World: Centering on Peace, Sustainable Developments, Ecological Justice”
22nd – 31st July, 2018
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Following the spirit of Vatican II, FABC, and Pope Francis’ teachings, the 2017 Asian Youth Academy (AYA)/Asian Theology Forum (ATF) will focus on the themes as follow: peace, ecological justice and genuine human development with special focus on youth
in and out of the church.
Youth is a theme recognized and officially designated by the 6th and 7th plenary assemblies of FABC as a “special pastoral attentions.” Regarding the AYA part, the intensive youth formation program also focus on human rights in the light of ‘Right-based Approach” (RBA). As usual, of course, the program promotes a wider ecumenical, inter-religious and inter-cultural encounter and learning for mutual growth by inviting some participants and speakers for ATF from other religious traditions.
The format of the AYA/ATF program is Exposure-Immersion; Workshop; Cultural Exploration & Visitation.
This is the final statement of all the participants of AYA/ATF Indonesia 2017 program.