On 31 October, Young Live Yangon-students accomplished their one month On Job Training (OJT) within the 6 organizations/collaborators Local Non-Government Organizations, Hotels and companies. In the fields, students abled to explore their abilities and applied their learning practically in OJT experience with fruitful impacts such as self-appreciation, transformation of adoptable attitudes and behavior, self-realization and resilience. This activity also promote sustained communication and partnerships of collaboration with Fondacio, and offering job opportunity for students.
On November, our Young Live program continued the leadership module as last part of our program. We provided the sessions of “leadership and management” and “youth and responsibility” aiming to provoke their abilities to effective leadership roles and to be full accountable on their given tasks and services at their communities, organizations and dioceses. November was the last month of the 6 months program and after all the module, students abled to set their visions and missions for their future/next concrete and action plans. Proudly, 13 students from 7 dioceses accomplished their 6 months of “Life Skills and Youth Leadership Program – YLDC Batch-8” successfully and the celebration of graduation ceremony was held on 22 November 2024 at Catholic Bishop Conference of Myanmar (CBCM) by Fondacio Youth Leadership & Development Center (YLDC).*