Asian Youth Academy (AYA) / Asian Theology Forum (ATF) 2017

Theme: “Asian Youth, Champion for Building a New World: Centering on Peace, Sustainable Developments, Ecological Justice”

22nd – 31st July, 2018

Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Following the spirit of Vatican II, FABC, and Pope Francis’ teachings, the 2017 Asian Youth Academy (AYA)/Asian Theology Forum (ATF) will focus on the themes as follow: peace, ecological justice and genuine human development with special focus on youth
in and out of the church.

Youth is a theme recognized and officially designated by the 6th and 7th plenary assemblies of FABC as a “special pastoral attentions.” Regarding the AYA part, the intensive youth formation program also focus on human rights in the light of ‘Right-based Approach” (RBA). As usual, of course, the program promotes a wider ecumenical, inter-religious and inter-cultural encounter and learning for mutual growth by inviting some participants and speakers for ATF from other religious traditions.


  • Promoting awareness of realities facing Asian youth: Among many is unemployment as a world phenomenon under neoliberalism. In order to deal with that, we have to examine the market-dominated system worldwide first as its background. Then proceed to the reality of economic situation especially unemployment problem in Asia by providing lectures from experts followed by group discussions and reports. In this workshop part, young participants are invited to wrestle more with “what and how to do” to solve the critical problem as its next step.
  • Introduction and explanation on movements such as community movements of Focolare and various cooperatives among student and youth groups given by the experts in their lectures for them, the participants will learn and explore to situate the cases to their own situation to solve their problems.
  • Among youth groups Indigenous Peoples (IPs) will be stressed as similar to the former AYA/ATFs. One of aims is to empower and promote them to find ways in terms of economic situation and unemployment.


  • Harnessing “Exposure-Immersion” program as a field trip, the Catholic Social Teachings (CSTs) and “Pastoral Spiral” assessment of FABC as a main methodology, the pan-Asian program also minds other problems from the market-dominated economy such as the irreconcilable gap between the haves and have-nots, limitless economic development without knowing where to be heading, making everything a commodity to be sold and worshipping money that paralyzes all the human dignity.
  • The methodology could be sharpened and tuned well with theo-spiritual approach as a contextual doing theology, or “theology of relevance” to Asian peoples and cultures. It could also be realized and strengthened in ATF by bring it up with various related themes such as peace or integral human development, human rights, ecological sustainability, evangelization or mission, a “new way of being church” in Asia and many others. That these wide and various topics could give participants a big picture where they are is necessary. It is even urgent need for them when they are considered to be strengthened by inclusive and more open spirituality with no problem with other religious and cultural traditions.
  • Interreligious and intercultural encounter and dialogue should have a space here as usual in all the AYA/ATF program by having its venue Yogyakarta based on diverse cultural and religious traditions and inviting participants and speakers from the area.


The format of the AYA/ATF program is Exposure-Immersion; Workshop; Cultural Exploration & Visitation.  


This is the final statement of all the participants of AYA/ATF Indonesia 2017 program.


Photos of AYA/ATF Indonesia 2017 program.