The ALL Forum situates itself as a pan-Asian movement aimed to empower lay Catholic leaders of all Church-related NGOs and organizations, With its center on “social ministry”, it includes those working in development, including peace, justice and ecology.
While CAPS and IMCS AP focuses more on urgent matters in social action fields, Fondacio Asia provides a more spirituality-based holistic formation program with young lay leaders from various ecclesial institutions. RTRC invites the other three partners to its focus on eco-spirituality coming from the very lives of indigenous peoples (IPs); and JCIM could theologize on the IPs’ lives which give the young lay workers a tool on how to contextualize various realities in their countries and regions to strengthen their Christian identity.
We intend to establish the necessary office structure in Manila, located within the Radio Veritas compound in Fairview, Quezon City. The project director will be Dr. Paul Hwang given his wide experience in organizing such theological forums. He will be supported by a project coordinator and office staff. They will be employed for the promotion, organizing and coordination of the project, with additional support staff needed especially for the duration of the annual ALL Forum event. The staff members will also have the support of a lay community and students at IFF Asia. A once-a-year partners’ board meeting will be held just after the ALL Forum to evaluate the learnings and make decisions.
ALL Forum has a concrete and well-prepared process through various and effective consultation meetings. It intends to focus more on the approach or methodology of the mission work and mutual support than actual and detailed mission activities. This is left to individual organizations to pursue.