Target Groups in the Lay Formation Network


This is a joint application of four organizations, combining priest, religious, laity and endorsed by the Bishop-in-charge of Youth for FABC and Chairperson of the IFF Asia formation institute. We the leaders and actors of the organizations listed above have decided to come together in faith and humility to work in partnership and mutually support one another.

  • The first target group is surely the young lay leaders from faith-related NGOs or groups/organizations working for “social ministries” who work with the marginalized, whom FABC designated as the objects of “special pastoral concerns”:  the indigenous peoples, youth, ecology, migrants, women and young children.
  • The ALL Forum proposes to work with the lay leaders and train them to share their experiences and work with other faith groups at the grass-roots level, forging alliances that will go beyond the boundaries of the institutional church to work with those similarly inspired by Christian faith values. This inclusiveness differentiates the ALL Forum.
  • The ALL Forum vision involves engaging religious and lay Catholics to work together as future Church leaders. It is open to women and men religious congregations, and Christian churches, who want to collaborate with lay Catholics. and wishes to form “contemplative activists” who are better able to deal with the urgent issues facing Catholics and others in Asian societies.